Friday, March 14, 2008

You better make your mind up.

Nick and I always seem to start some sort of music project, play around with the idea for a few months, and then realize we'll never find anybody else to play with. And sometimes we just get tired of playing whatever. This is our story. But now, we're doing a stoner doom thing that has a chance of moving past the idea stage, so sick bro.

btw, I wanted to play with another way of doing the comic, so instead of doing it all in illustrator, I tried drawing and coloring it all in photoshop. I honestly think I like it better. Tell me what you think (and no, don't say "it all sucks" because I'll fight you).



Sean Casey said...

I feel your pain man. I can't fully dedicate myself to any musical project.
I definitely like this style best! GREAT STUFF MAN!!

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head man.

- Vladfir